Two bank employees visit self-employed businesses at a market in Chongqing. [Photo/Xinhua] 国务院日前发布《促进个体工商户发展条例》,惠及1.11亿户个体工商户,业内专家称从长远来看该条例将大大增强个体工商户的信心和韧性。The State Council, China's Cabinet, rolled out a major regulation on Tuesday to promote the country's 111 million self-employed businesses, which industry experts said will greatly boost confidence and resilience among private smaller businesses over the long term.拟从11月1日起施行的这一条例指出,将为个体工商户提供包括财税、金融、就业、数字化发展和知识产权保护在内的全方位支持政策。According to the regulation that will take effect on next Tuesday, greater supportive policies, including on taxation, finance, employment, digital development and intellectual property protection, will be provided to self-employed households.条例还指出了个体工商户对于推动市场和经济的重要作用,并强调国家将坚定不移地鼓励、支持和引导个体经济发展。The regulation also emphasizes the role of self-employed households in driving the market and economy, and stressed that China will unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of such businesses.北京市工商联副主席李志起认为,条例中细节上有许多精心设计,体现出对个体工商户的精准支持,对于促进个体工商户的发展具有重大意义。"The new regulation has more detailed and targeted supportive policies, which is of significance in promoting the development of self-employed households," said Li Zhiqi, vice-chairman of the Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce.李志起指出,举例而言,条例鼓励金融机构提供适合个体工商户发展特点的金融产品和服务,扩大个体工商户贷款规模和覆盖面,这将有助于缓解个体工商户融资难。For instance, the regulation encourages financial institutions to offer financial products and services targeting self-employed households, as well as larger scale coverage of loans, which will help relieve financing difficulties among these individual households, Li said.李志起称,由于个体工商户往往是以“一己之力”在缝隙市场中求生存和发展,其实力有限、抗风险能力较弱,尤其是在疫情反复影响下需要及时给予帮扶。"Such efforts will offer timely support, as self-employed households, which rely on their own means to survive and develop in niche markets, are relatively weak in resisting external risks, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic," he added.国家市场监督管理总局的最新数据显示,截至9月底,全国登记在册的个体工商户超1.11亿户,占市场主体总量的2/3,带动就业近3亿人。The latest data from the State Administration for Market Regulation showed that more than 111 million self-employed households were registered nationwide as of the end of September, accounting for two-thirds of the country's total number of market players. They also were responsible for about 300 million jobs.据国家市场监督管理总局的一项调查,今年以来,近80%的个体工商户平均月营业收入不足1万元,仅能维持基本生活。A survey provided by the administration showed that since the beginning of this year, nearly 80 percent of individual households brought in an average monthly operating income of less than 10,000 yuan ($1,389), which can only support basic living standards.过去几年来,政府已经出台了一揽子政策来支持个体工商户发展。国家市场监督管理总局还为个体工商户推出了两个专业服务平台。Over the past few years, the government has launched a package of policies to support the development of self-employed households. The SAMR rolled out two specialized platforms to improve services for such groups.
来源:中国日报网英语点津(编辑 丹妮)